The Nerd Productivity System

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Double Your Output Without Losing Your Mind

Most of the time, we're juggling our life tasks, hoping we'll catch them all.

But just as we're about to grab one ball - whether it's finances, projects, or anything meaningful... Another one is already heading our way..

AND Unfortunately, some balls are bound to hit the ground, and we end up:

X Playing catchup

X Dealing with work overload

X Missing deadlines

And for most of us, this means we have to;

→ Get up earlier

→ Put in longer hours

→ Sacrifice our downtime

Sound familiar?

It doesn't have to be this way.

Here’s How The Nerd Productivity System Can Wipe Out Your 'Productivity Debt' Without Overloading You.

If you want to;

- Stay on top of every task

- Relax without feeling guilty

- Achieve your goals faster

I've developed a system to help even the busiest person 5X their productivity.

The Nerd Productivity System

This course is the missing link you need to make fast, tangible progress toward your goals.

It distils timeless wisdom from the World's Best Management Thinkers and Productivity Experts such as Peter F. Drucker, David Allen, Tim Ferriss, Cal Newport, and Michael Hyatt into a practical framework that anyone can easily implement to turbocharge their productivity.

These are proven strategies that allowed thousands to;

→ Smash their goals with ⅓ the stress

→ Complete projects in half the time

→ And enjoy more FREE time

By systemising the wisdom of the greatest productivity thinkers into a practical easy-to-implement system, anyone can turn their never-ending to-do lists, incomplete projects, and nerve-wracking open loops into a system that makes it easy to get sh!t done.

Achieve your goals twice as fast in half the time!

We’ve streamlined every aspect of The Nerd Productivity course:

  1. The most efficient ways to manage the constant stream of incoming information, tasks, and requests effectively
  2. A daily 5-minute ritual that instantly destroys any anxiety related to your open loops and gets you into a focused mindset to start attacking your tasks
  3. Bullet Proof Strategies to reduce overwhelm and anxiety and stay on top of your goals and projects
  4. Figuring out important, high-impact, strategic work with powerful mental models

Do you feel like you're consistently falling behind your goals? That, every time you set out to work on something important you get distracted and end up procrastinating.

Do you feel that if you just got your sh!t organised you could finally get to the important stuff and finally get results?

Do you feel that weeks, months and years are flying by? And you're no closer to achieving your goals (even though you've been super busy!)

Introducing The Nerd Productivity System

A fail-proof productivity system to manage your entire life, multiply your productivity, and achieve your goals twice as fast.

The Nerd Productivity System will take your overwhelming to-do lists, incomplete projects and anxiety-inducing open loops and set them up in a system you can trust to help you achieve your goals faster.

Quick to Setup, Easy to Maintain

  • Maybe you've tried to apply many productivity techniques and hacks but haven’t been able to do it consistently.
  • Maybe you've started with new productivity apps or systems with enthusiasm but they turned out to be impractical and hard to sustain.
  • And now your tasks and commitments are captured all over the place - notebooks, to-do apps, reminders, your calendar and even your head! 

And it seems the only way to get more work done is by working longer hours!

On the other hand, The Nerd Productivity System:

  • makes you 2-5X more productive while spending less hours working
  • helps you focus and get important work done without losing sight of the mundane stuff
  • makes it easy to organise and maintain your most complex projects
  • lets you handle a high volume of tasks across your personal and professional life.
  • won't let anything slip through the cracks, and at the same time won't overwhelm you.
  • has guilt-free procrastination built into its workflow.
  • helps you get rid of that nagging feeling that you should be working on something else

Reclaim your Time and Sanity

The Nerd Productivity System will help you get your anxiety under control, creating time and space for the deep, creative and satisfying work that can help you double your revenues in half the time!

Especially for those who have multiple commitments such as a family, building a side business or supporting charitable projects, this system will help you reclaim your time, sanity and focus, and multiply your output.

'I have applied only part of the NP system and I have honestly started getting more done in two hours than I used to in a whole day.'

Accelerate Your Success

  • Imagine actually finishing those important projects or launching that side business you started.
  • Imagine being a person who consistently gets stuff done and makes big things happen.
  • Imagine being able to unleash your inner creativity and fulfil your true potential.
  • Imagine being able to spend guilt-free quality time with your friends and family.
  • Imagine being able to set even bigger goals with confidence that you can finally achieve them.

A battle-tested system trusted by CEOs and Top Executives

The Nerd Productivity System is a tried-and-tested, easy-to-maintain system for those who want to make fast tangible progress towards their goals. Whether it is doubling your revenue or doubling the amount of time you spend with your family.

Timeless concepts from the World's Best Management Thinkers and Productivity Experts such as Peter F. Drucker, David Allen, Tim Ferriss, Cal Newport and Michael Hyatt have been tested and distilled into a practical framework that you can easily implement into your day-to-day life!

You will learn how to:

  • Manage the constant stream of incoming information, tasks and requests
  • Reduce overwhelm and anxiety and stay on top of your goals and projects
  • Figure out critical, high-impact, strategic work with powerful mental models
  • Get Shit Done and supercharge your productivity
  • Spend guilt-free time with your friends and family and achieve your goals faster at the same time!

I've been there. As an entrepreneur, I spent years drowning in a whirlpool of endless tasks and responsibilities.

I would work hard and keep knocking off all the urgent / admin tasks. I kept playing this never-ending game of to-do whack-a-mole, and kept pushing off the important business-building work to 'tomorrow'.

Not surprisingly, despite all my hard work, my start-up was struggling. It was nowhere near the scale we had imagined we could achieve when I had started this journey. It seemed like all the years of effort weren't really adding up to anything.

Over the last 15 years I have read, tested and implemented concepts from all the productivity gurus - David Allen (Getting Things Done), Peter Drucker, Cal Newport, Tim Ferriss, James Clear, Michael Hyatt and many others.

After years of research and trial and error, I figured out a workflow and a set of apps, that helped me get high-impact / high-quality work done as well as effortlessly manage a high volume of admin tasks across my work and family life.

I’ve stitched together a system that is easy to setup and easy to maintain and lets me manage multiple clients, projects and a high volume of administrative and personal tasks. 

This system has allowed me to finally spend quality time with my friends and family, while my business has continued to grow beyond my expectations.

In the last 12 years, I've built and exited two ecommerce startups in Asia, had 2 kids, moved with our family to London and built a profitable consulting business.

I've been living in London for the last 5 years helping startup founders and small business CEOs get shit done and achieve their goals faster with lessers hours, anxiety and stress.

I've been teaching this system via workshops and coaching senior executive teams and CEOs. I've taken all my learnings from over a decade of entrepreneurial struggle and eventually success, as well as everything I've learned from coaching CEOs and Executives, and incorporated them into this course.

Course Content

Module 1:   A Journey from overwhelm to effectiveness

  • A productivity journey in 3 phases from overwhelm to efficiency to effectiveness.
  • Understand the true meaning of productivity and assess your current level.

Module 2: Get it all out of your head!

  • Get closure on all the open loops in your head and reclaim your sanity.
  • Learn how to manage the constant inflow of tasks, requests and commitments

Module 3: Reclaim your Mind - The Brain Dump

  • Setup an effortless capture system so nothing slips through the cracks
  • Reclaim your sanity and reduce overwhelm with filters and blocks.

Module 4: Go From Chaos to Clarity

  • Face your Demons - Review all your open loops, projects and commitments 
  • Learn how to 'not'  let your inbox run your life and what to do instead.

Module 5: A place for everything and everything in its place!

  • Simplify your life by organising your tasks across projects, days, weeks and months
  • Get rid of overwhelm, anxiety and that nagging feeling that you should be working on something else

Module 6: Figure out what's truly important

  • Prioritise important, high-impact work with 10 powerful frameworks
  • Learn Mental Models to help you zoom in on your highest-leverage tasks

Module 7: How does Elon Musk do it?

  • Learn how Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey manage multiple multi-billion dollar companies
  • Use a template to get a top-down view of your work week and allocate time to your top priorities

Module 8: Stay on top of literally everything in your life!

  • Learn a quick routine to make sure you can stay on top of all your tasks and projects
  • Learn how to apply simple agile methodology to manage all your tasks

Module 9: Get shit done!

  • Learn Powerful Execution concepts to get twice the work done in half the time
  • Leverage time consolidation, batching and single-tasking to multiply your output

Module 10: Set up your foolproof productivity system

  • Setup recommended Apps, Integrations and Automations to make sure nothing slips through the cracks
  • Learn appropriate app settings to optimise your productivity and minimise distractions and overwhelm

Module 11: Supercharge your productivity

  • Learn how to leverage the 3 currencies of productivity - Time, Energy and Attention
  • Learn how to get into the habit of getting into flow and multiply your output and quality of work


Here's what some of my clients have said about the Nerd Productivity system:

'I really enjoyed working with Nishant on implementing his excellent Nerd Productivity system. The first stage of capturing and prioritising every goal no matter how granular was particularly cathartic. Logging and tracking tasks in a visual way through Asana’s calendar view, as opposed to managing bottomless lists, works really well for me.

As a self-confessed productivity junkie, I’ve read and listened to every book and podcast under the sun, but only by working with Nishant do I now feel I have a reliable and manageable system in place. I would highly recommend the Nerd Productivity system to anyone who wants to get more control over their work and life.’

It was very helpful and impactful to work with Nishant on productivity coaching. There are many concepts, tools and advice out there when it comes to productivity, and it can be overwhelming, and the result is that you don’t actually start working on it.

There were 3 things that I really liked in Nishant’s approach:

  1. Focus on advancing the important stuff, the stuff that will make a difference, not on closing more tasks each day
  2. A clear and pragmatic framework , that brings all the different concepts in a construct that makes sense and is clear how to use
  3. Instructions for setting up the tools, so that the process can become a habit easily, and therefore there are more chances to stick to it in the long run.

I highly recommend working with Nishant’s system, it’s probably one of the smartest investments I made.’

'The thing I liked most about Nishant’s course was that productivity ended up having a higher purpose - to improve deep work. Previously, it has been positioned simply as being productivity for productivity's sake. Ultimately, I don't really connect with that. But the idea of reducing anxiety and increasing headspace to do deep work is really appealing for me.'

'Nishant has read all the Productivity books out there and distilled a powerful toolbox which he shared in a compelling course. He shared stories of his own productivity journey which made him super relatable.

The ideas and concepts are explained clearly and actionable, breaking down some challenging barriers that I (and, I think, most of us) have to overcome. I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to accomplish more in their limited time.'

''Productivity coaching with Nishant created for me the awareness and control over the way I structure my time. Along with getting more things done, it made me a lot more attentive on how I prioritize my work so as to provide the right energy and concentration to the important tasks.

As with any system, the key is to make a conscious effort to use it until it becomes fully integrated in your routine and this is where the coaching sessions helped a lot by keeping you on the right track.”

60-Day 'No Questions' Refund Guarantee

I've packed a lot into this course, and I want to give you a full 60 days to try and implement the concepts, integrate the Nerd Productivity system into your life, and make sure it is really working for you.

If you feel you didn’t get enough value from the course I will refund ALL your money.  No justifications are needed. No questions asked! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What apps are recommended in the Nerd Productivity system?

The  Nerd Productivity system uses Asana (free version) for the most part.  All features used in our system are available in the free version of Asana.  We are not an official partner and receive no commission from Asana.  We just believe it’s the most comprehensive app for supporting the Nerd Productivity Workflow.

In addition to Asana we recommend Evernote (free version), Zapier (free version), Pocket (free version), 1password (paid), Textexpander (paid), Sanebox (paid) and Freedom (paid).  These apps are optional - you don't have to use them to get full value from the system (we receive no commissions from any of these apps).

2. Do I have to use the apps suggested by you?

No that’s not necessary at all - the Nerd Productivity framework can be implemented with any apps or tools of your choice including physical paper notebooks.  We will demonstrate the application of the system using Asana - however you are free to use any app that you’re already comfortable with.

3. Do I need to implement the entire system?

Not at all.  The Nerd Productivity system is built on universal productivity concepts, which even partially implemented can substantially improve your productivity.  You can take whatever works for you and incorporate it in your existing productivity workflow.

4. What if I am unhappy with the course?

If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, email me at within 60 days and I will give you a full refund. No justifications are needed. No questions asked.

5. How will I get support?

You’ll get access to a private Slack channel for any support you need. This channel is accessible only to current and past course participants.  You can also email me at at any time.

The Slack channel will remain open indefinitely so you can come back any time for questions or support or engaging with the community.

I want this!

60-Day 'No Questions' Refund Guarantee

I've packed a lot into this course, and I want to give you a full 60 days to try and implement the concepts, integrate the Nerd Productivity system into your life, and make sure it is really working for you.

If you feel you didn’t get enough value from the course I will refund ALL your money.  No justifications needed. No questions asked! 

Last updated Jul 25, 2023

11 training modules with video recordings and worksheets.

Module 1: From overwhelm to effectiveness
Module 2: Get it all out of your head!
Module 3: Reclaim your Mind - The Brain Dump
Module 4: From Chaos to Clarity
Module 5: A place for everything
Module 6: Figure out what's truly important
Module 7: How does Elon Musk do it?
Module 8: Stay on top of literally everything
Module 9: Get sh!t done
Module 10: Set up a foolproof system
Module 11: Supercharge your productivity
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The Nerd Productivity System

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